Shandong internal combustion plate rammer, plate rammer, plate rammer price, plate rammer manufacturer, two-way plate rammer, vibrating plate rammer, reversible plate ram, two-way vibrating plate rammer, one-way plate rammer
Suitable for compacting granular materials and mixing of adhesive ingredients Substances, hot and cold asphalt in narrow areas such as parking lots, highway and bridge construction, buildings, curbs and bridge piers, etc.
Including the engine support plate and belt protection shell, they are made of lightweight and strong cast aluminum, which not only reduces the weight of the machine, but also makes operation easier. The upright or center-mounted guide handle provides excellent control feeling, and can be used when necessary. In this case, the height of the guide handle can be lowered than the height of the machine itself, which allows the machine to continue working as unimpeded as possible.
Engine power:.
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Transportation quality: CB:CB:
Packing size: **
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Shandong internal combustion plate compactor reversible plate compactor